AKRA TEAM GmbH receives consultant award

TOP CONSULTANT identifies the best consultants for medium-sized businesses / Former German President Christian Wulff congratulates the winners

Landsberg am Lech / Augsburg, June 26, 2023 – Convincing with consulting competence: AKRA TEAM GmbH is one of the best consultants for medium-sized businesses in Germany and has therefore been awarded the TOP CONSULTANT Seal 2023. Former German President Christian Wulff presented AKRA TEAM GmbH with the trophy at the award ceremony during the German SME Summit in Augsburg on Friday, June 23. Wulff accompanies the consulting competition as a mentor. On behalf of compamedia, the Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Management und Beratung (WGMB) (Scientific Society for Management and Consulting) had previously examined how well the participants advised their medium-sized customers.

At the heart of TOP CONSULTANT is a scientific customer survey: Medium-sized companies that had previously worked with AKRA TEAM were surveyed by WGMB. The reference customers named by AKRA TEAM indicated, for example, whether and to what extent they were satisfied with the consulting services and whether they would recommend AKRA TEAM to others (more information on the test criteria at www.top-consultant.de/pruefkriterien).

AKRA TEAM is one of the Top Consultants 2023 thanks to its excellent consulting quality. Since the company was founded in 2021, the consultants from Landsberg am Lech have made a name for themselves, especially with their expertise in the field of regulatory affairs. Founder and Managing Director Dr. Bassil Akra is an expert in this field and has an entire team of certification specialists behind him, advising companies all over the world. Manufacturers of medical devices and in vitro diagnostics must comply with strict regulations before they can bring their products to market. AKRA TEAM GmbH is dedicated to helping its clients understand the complex requirements and supporting them on their path to product certification. Most clients are either European medical device manufacturers looking to launch their products throughout Europe and beyond, or non-EU manufacturers looking to gain a foothold in the European market.

A detailed portrait of AKRA TEAM GmbH can be found on the online portal of TOP CONSULTANT at https://www.top-consultant.de/akra-team-gmbh-2023/.

Prof. Dr. Dietmar Fink, Professor of Management Consulting at Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences, heads the Scientific Society for Management and Consulting (WGMB) together with Bianka Knoblach. They decide who is awarded the TOP CONSULTANT seal. On the occasion of the award ceremony, Professor Fink emphasizes that the award is a valuable orientation aid: “Medium-sized companies looking for a consultancy get a recommendation through the seal, which is based quite substantially on a customer survey, where competence related to medium-sized companies is particularly pronounced.”


AKRA TEAM GmbH is a consulting firm founded in 2021 by Dr. Bassil Akra to help various healthcare stakeholders achieve their goals in a highly regulated business environment. AKRA TEAM’s focus is to assist medical device, in vitro diagnostic and combination device manufacturers, notified bodies and regulatory authorities in finding a practical and appropriate approach to meet regulatory obligations. AKRA TEAM was established to make a difference and ensure that patients receive safe and effective products in a timely manner.


The decisive factor for being awarded the TOP CONSULTANT award of quality is a customer-oriented, SME-oriented consulting service. The field of participants in the competition, which has been organized by compamedia since 2010, consists largely of management, IT and HR consultants. These companies face the scrutiny of the competition’s scientific management: Prof. Dr. Dietmar Fink, Professor of Management Consulting at Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences, and Bianka Knoblach. Both head the Scientific Society for Management and Consulting (WGMB) in Bonn. The mentor of TOP CONSULTANT is former German President Christian Wulff. The media partner is manager magazin.

You can find more information and general picture material on the Internet at www.top-consultant.de/presse or by sending an e-mail to presse@compamedia.de. Further information on the award-winning company is available from:

Press contact

Andrea Beaujean
Am Penzinger Feld 17a
86899 Landsberg am Lech
Phone: +49 151 706 95935

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AKRA TEAM GmbH receives consultant award

TOP CONSULTANT identifies the best consultants for medium-sized businesses / Former German President Christian Wulff congratulates the winners Landsberg am Lech / Augsburg, June 26, 2023 – Convincing with consulting

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